The Year of Courage

The Year of Courage

Ask Yourself what’s really important. Then have the wisdom and courage, to build your like around your answer. – Anon. It’s that time of the year again, when I get all reflective. More so this year than others. The year just flew by in a blur....
The Sheer Joy of Learning

The Sheer Joy of Learning

I have this incredibly terrible itch. I love to learn. I love to learn new stuff. I love to go back and refine what I already know. I’m curious. I’m inquisitive. And I have no hassles with stepping into the unknown and trying to figure things out – as daunting at it...

Pretty Woman

I grew up with mixed feelings about ‘prettiness’ and ‘beauty’ and what it meant to be a ‘good girl’. Most of it was not nice. I’m still trying to figure out where I stand on those. Age 6-9, growing up in Trini, I stood out as ‘the Indian’ girl in school.  I had brown...

Lady, let the man handle your finances

Over the last few months at home, I’ve been working to get my finances organized – insurance, investments. Juggle stuff around a bit. Make sure all the paper work is in order and so on. And I repeatedly run into agents who state “Please check with...