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Do you want MORE in your business?
More clients.
More impact.
More money.
More ease.
More grace.
More flow.
Then you’re in the right place my friend!
The #MoreBootcamp is an intimate, high touch, high impact, transformative, 12 week program. Specially designed to help you call in #MORE into your business 😉
Creating a solid, sustainable and scalable foundation for your business!
So that you can generate high end leads – and clients – effort-“less“-ly.
On auto-pilot!
Without nerve wracking launches!
Without hustling 24×7 and burning out!
Without spending 8 hrs a day social media!
Without resorting to sleazy sales and marketing tactics!

The #MoreBootcamp will help you
Say #MOREPlease to
Having a scalable AND sustainable, business model
Having “hot leads” REACH OUT TO YOU to work with YOU!
People happily pulling out their wallets to pay you – because they just feel that connection and can’t wait to work with you!
Doing work that lights you up aka actually transforming people’s lives instead of soul-sucking, mind-numbing marketing and admin!
Joy. Ease. Grace. Fun. Laughter.
Time. Freedom. Love.
Say #NoMore to
- Struggling to sign up clients at $100/hr
- Pulling your hair out in frustration because you’ve written 326 facebook posts, 93 blog posts, 47 videos and a whole lotta other content – but er, still enough paying clients!
- Hanging around Facebook groups all day providing ‘value’! Or worse throwing money at Facebook (ads) hoping for a miracle!
- Feeling sick to the core every single time you get on a sales call – and then getting all tongue tied as a result.
- Spending 99% of your time creating content, “marketing”, admin and a whole lotta crap you hate all in the name of growing your business!
- Constant exhaustion. Constantly second guessing yourself. Constantly fretting about why the heck things aren’t quite working in your business – EVEN though you’re doing #AllTheThings
"Richa - I want in already!! Where can I sign up?
I'm so ready to make more impact, sign up more clients AND make more money!!"
What you’ll walk away with
I won’t promise you a million dollar business! I don’t make promises I can’t keep! Your results will depend on YOU!
But the #MoreBootcamp is specifically designed to help you walk away with:
A solid, scalable, sustainable foundation
to take your online business to the Next Level and get fully booked with dream clients !
A 6 month marketing plan
with content ideas, promo ideas all clearly mapped out! Buh-bye marketing woes!
An Automated Lead Generation System
all set up to generate hot leads on auto-pilot!
A Complete Set of Marketing Content
Lead magnets, email sequences, blog posts, FB posts – ALL done and dusted! Because the devil is in the detail!
Mastery over soulful sales
Because I HATE sleazy sales and I know you do too!
Scalable Systems and Processes
So that you can do more of what you love instead of spend time doing soul-sucking, mind-numbing admin!
While I believe the #MoreBootcamp is a revolutionary program wthat will completely transform your business… don’t take my word for it – here’s
Some Love from Past Participants

"Richa - I want in already!! Where can I sign up?
I'm so ready to make more impact, sign up more clients AND make more money!!"
What made you sign up for the #MoreBootcamp?
How did the #MoreBootcamp help?
“I am not on Facebook, I don’t socialize, I don’t like marketing! But I really loved your marketing module because it helped me feel comfortable!
“I got a fresh pair of eyes on my work and how I show it to the world!
Writing those emails was so difficult for me. It has been an intense process. But I knew I was supported. I had you! I had the group!
And now it is done! I have my freebie! I have the emails! I have the marketing plan for the next 6 month!
It’s so beautiful to see that after 2 years of trying .. I now understand exactly what is my zone of genius!”
“What I was really missing was the structure… How to start marketing, write a blog, what’s my freebie going to be …..not really having any clarity around what that was going to be”
The way you taught it, they way you narrowed it down, makes it so streamlined, so clear, that what I’m going to work on any given day, I can see how it fits into the whole bigger picture of growing my business. That’s the main thing I’ve got out of this program.”
“I thought I was ok in my business but I wasn’t making as much money as I’d like. .. I guess I didn’t even know what I didn’t know.
The structure you gave me just brought it all together.
I knew about freebies and email sequences, but I didn’t quite know how to put it together with my marketing plan.
I was just kind of throwing things out there whenever I thought!
Now it’s great to have a consistent plan!
I just feel more confident! It’s all structured! It fits together!”
"Richa - I want in already!! Where can I sign up?
I'm so ready to make more impact, sign up more clients AND make more money!!"
How to decide whether the #MoreBootcamp is right for YOU?
#MoreBootcamp is RIGHT for you IF
You are a woman solopreneur, running a service based, online business (aka coach, consultant, freelancer, healer etc).
You’re already an expert at what you do! You’re not squamish about charging for your services! You may find yourself stuck with the marketing and sales – but heck you believe your services are worth every penny you charge – and more!
You’re excited about building an “easy”, sustainable and scalable foundation for your business – especially the online marketingpart of it!
You want to generate hot leadsfor your services or group programs – and turn them into dream clients – effort-less-ly. On a regular basis. Think “evergreen” systems.
You’re willing to step out of your comfort zone, make courageous decisions, take quick action – and COMMIT to Getting Shift Done!
#MoreBootcamp is NOT RIGHT for you IF
You run a product based business or a purely “offline” one.
You’re still a relative newbie in your field and questioning your own abilities to deliver – or even charge for your work! ( Check out the PassionPurposeProfit Incubator which covers more basic business building strategies)
You’re looking for an overnight success story. Sorry, I don’t do those. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
You’re looking to launch an online course or membership program. Those launches require time sensitive launch strategies. Check in with me for 1:1 support instead.
You can’t commit to taking action right now, or keeping up with the group. You like to go slow and easy, at your own pace. (No sweat. Everyone has there own style. Check out the PassionPurposeProfit Incubator which has a more DIY pace!)
How does #MoreBootcamp compare to other courses
or programs you’ve done?
- here’s where you are,
- and here’s how you start the conversation,
- then here’s how you take it forward, and here’s WHY
- and then here’s how the other bits and pieces come together – and here’s why!”
THAT’s what I wanted to know!
How this stuff works! And why it works the way it does!
And that is the difference from other programs!!
….You went through the whole thing.. not just giving us chunks that we then had to figure out how to put together!!
You don’t give up on us – checking and rechecking our copy!
… It’s rare. You don’t find people that give that level of detailed feedback!”
….In the other programs, the coach stays at the “expert” level, not coming down to our level, getting to know our business, and help the way you are helping me!”
The level of patience and feedback was one of the things that made this so awesome for me!
The other thing is your integrity. With other programs there’s a lot ra-ra and build up and when you actually get in there, it’s just plain bread. It’s heartbreaking when there’s lots of promises made and no follow through.
You not just followed through you over delivered compared to what you said it would be in the first place!!
"Richa - I want in already!! Where can I sign up?
I'm so ready to make more impact, sign up more clients AND make more money!!"
How has your approach to marketing changed after the #MoreBootcamp?
“……This time, something clicked inside.. I said, here’s how I can do it with you and for you and it would cost $2300… and they BOTH said, ok fine!! Before that I couldn’t have even brought myself to say pay me $2300!!
I had a shift about how to sell and how to write the emails!
You helped me see that there’s another way to sell! It’s about coming back to doing things from the Heart and not be concerned about how people will look at you, how people will judge you!
And I didn’t get this in any other course!
” It’s been a big journey for me. At some point I stopped being afraid of my business and started loving it! I feel like I can just tap in to who I truly am. Being able to share that, is an act of love!
“For me, marketing was always aggressive. Whenever I would try to sell, I would feel awefull. I would put these brakes on what I want to say.
Working with you I learnt how you can convey your message without being “too much”.
Now I feel good about sales! I feel I am more purposeful. I am not taking away from others – but I’m stepping up to help!”
"Richa - I want in already!! Where can I sign up?
I'm so ready to make more impact, sign up more clients AND make more money!!"
What’s Inside the #MoreBootcamp

Module 1: Alignment & Planning
Week 1 – Soulful Alignment: We create the foundation and make sure what you want from your business, what your target market wants, and what you offer are in alignment 😉 You’ll walk away with a clearly defined business goals, a clearly defined target market and a clearly defined unique message to reach out & connect with them.
Week 2 – Smart, Stacked Offers: We run the numbers and help you create a stacked set of offers, so that you can take your biz from ‘side hustle’ to consistent 5-figure months without busting a sweat!
Week 3 – Internet Marketing Simplified: No, you don’t have to write 100 blog posts or create a 1ooo podcasts to ‘build your audience’. I teach you the essence of internet marketing and show you how to leverage it to get the right people signing up for your free calls and email lists!
Week 4 – Implementation Week: No new lessons this week! It’s time for you to catch up on any actions from previous weeks AND actually go out there and validate your offers & marketing plan.

Module 2: Asset Creation
Week 5 – Soulful Selling: This week we practice how to handle different kinds of outreach sessions – market research calls, discovery calls, free sessions & case studies – AND have people happily sign up to work with you WITHOUT icky, pushy, used-car-salesman tactics.
Week 6 – Irresistible Freebies & Funnels : We create irresistible freebies AND a funnel that’s aligned with your offers so that you can easily attract your ideal soul clients.
Week 7 – Building Connections through Content Marketing: I share my ‘magical’ method to creating ‘marketing content’ that really connects from the heart, gets you leads AND happy clients WITHOUT having to create a 100 pesky blog posts or videos!
Week 8 – Implementation Week: No new lessons this week! It’s time for you to catch up on creating all your ‘marketing content’ and give it a spin out there in the real world!

Module 3: Expansive Growth
Week 9 – Stepping Up Your Visibility: This week we talk about how to connect with influencers and leverage high growth, high visibility sites and media outlets to build your authority AND connect with your target market – again, all without icky, pushy tactics.
Week 10 – Systems for Growth: It takes a village. It always takes a village. To raise a child. To build a business. I show how to build your village – which tools, which systems, what processes to use to streamline your business so that you have more time and energy to do the work you really love – help your clients through transformations! (yes, we’ll even talk about when, where and how to hire a VA 😉
Week 11 – Planning for Growth: Then we’ll map out a customized 6-month content marketing plan for YOU, with clear action items, when, how, where to reach out & connect with your target market.
Week 12 – Implementation Week: No new lessons this week! It’s time to DO – to implement and get feedback on everything you’ve learnt.
"Richa - I want in already!! Where can I sign up?
I'm so ready to make more impact, sign up more clients AND make more money!!"
How it’ll work inside the #MoreBootcamp
Start of each week, you’ll get streamlined video lessons with clear, do-able action steps. Because I believe in keeping it simple. So that you can actually DO the work instead of ending up overwhelmed in a sea of endless videos!
During each week, you go back and do the work. And then share it with me in our private Facebook group for review. Because the devil is the detail! And it is by doing, that you really anchor any learning!
End of each week, you get personalized advice, reviews and feedback on our weekly group coaching calls & private FB group: Because you’re unique. The skills, the passion, the love YOU bring to your business is unique. The fears, the frustrations, the limiting beliefs you hold, are unique. And that’s why the feedback you get, is also unique.
Every 4th week, we have dedicated Co-working Implementation week: Because I know you’re busy. I know you’re juggling a million responsibilities besides your business. Every fourth week, we take some time off the lessons, to actual DO the work, to catch up, to reach out. And we do it together on “co-working” calls.
And through it all, you get someTough love and Accountability: To remind you to make your love for your clients stronger than your fears. Because heck, can’t rely on willpower alone can we! There will be days when the lure of Netflix and binge watching will overpower your desire to help the whole world!
AND also a gorgeous loving community to support you: Because it takes a village to build a business. You’ll be surrounded by women, just like you, on journeys similar to you, to support you, to cheer you on, to stand by you, to believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself!
"Richa - I want in already!! Where can I sign up?
I'm so ready to make more impact, sign up more clients AND make more money!!"
But wait… that’s not all! We’ve got some JUICY BONUSES as well!
BONUS 1: Website In a Box
Because hey, you need a gorgeous, professional website to represent the NEW you!
This is a COMPLETE WordPress + Divi website! Each page’s layout has been carefully designed keeping user experience in mind. So that visitors feel that instant connection with YOU! The best part – since it’s all made with Divi – you can CHANGE any aspect of it. The colors, the fonts, the rows, the columns, the images. Whatever you want to change. In the easiest way possible – with a visual drag and drop editor. Absolutely NO coding required!
Mobile Friendly
Easily Customizable
No Coding Required
Style 1: Party Time!
Style 2: Calming Ocean
Style 3: Vibrant Pastures
Style 4: Strong Feminine
BONUS 2: Affirmations & Meditations
BONUS 4: Automate Your Bookings
BONUS 3: $0 Facebook Marketing
"Richa - I want in already!! Where can I sign up?
I'm so ready to make more impact, sign up more clients AND make more money!!"
What they said about Richa
The Essence of #MoreBootcamp
So, are you ready for #MORE?
More impact, more clients and more money in business?
Then apply soon! There are ONLY 10 spots! Yes, it’s an intimate, high touch, high impact program!
#MoreBootcamp includes
- Core video lessons each week with clear, do-able, step by step instructions.
- 12 x group coaching calls for regular, personalized advice, reviews and feedback on YOUR business.
- 3x co-working implementation weeks to help you get-shift-done!
- Private FB community for quick support
- Proven scripts and templates to make it even easier for you!
- Bonus: Professionally designed Website-in-a-box
- Bonus: The $0 Facebook Marketing Masterclass
- Bonus: Web Analytics Simplified
- Bonus: How to automate bookings
- Bonus: Module specific affirmations and meditations
What you’ll walk away with
- A solid, sustainable and scalable foundation to take your online business to the Next Level, get fully booked with your dream clients and create more impact, more money in your business.
- A professional website, speficially designed for connection and conversion, that you can customize.
- An automated lead generation systems
- 6 month marketing plan with detailed action steps
- One complete set of marketing content – Optin, Email sequence, Blog posts, FB posts – done and dusted! With detailed feedback from me to spice them up!
- Mastery of Soulful Sales Conversations
- Simple systems and processes to keep things running smoothly without burnout!
And no, ALL of this awesome support to doesn’t cost an arm and a leg! It’s super affordable with payment plans to suit any budget! Choose the plan that works best for you! ** All prices USD
Optional Extra: PRIVATE 1:1 CONSULT
While the program itself includes a lot of customized reviews and feedback in a group setting, those of you who want even more personalized support can additionally opt for private 1:1 time with me (online via Zoom). 6x 30 min 1:1 sessions, that can be used anytime in 2019. Note these sessions are not tranferable nor refundable. These sessions are normally valued at $897, but when you purchase them along with the #MoreBootcamp you save $200!
Optional Extra: DONE FOR YOU
DONE FOR YOU magic to give you that extra boost to accelerate your business! Book in just the ones you want or book in the whole bundle together and get a 20% discount!
- A professional re-brand that’s oh-so-you ($997)
- Specially crafted copy for your website to build connection and increase conversion ($2477)
- A website makeover to turn your website into a client magnet. Upto 10 pages on WordPress+Divi. ( $5497)
- Carefully crafted, high converting Marketing Content ($4997) [ 1 popup + 1 embedded optin + 1 landing page + 1 funnel (5x emails) + 1 ebook + 4 blog posts + 20 FB posts]
Got some questions? Here are some answers!
When does the program start?
It starts 29th April 2019 and wraps up after 12 weeks.
When will the group coaching calls be?
What if I can’t join one of the group coaching calls?
Till when do we have access to the videos and other materials?
How much time will it take for me to be really successful with this program?
I want to launch a group program / course / product. Will MORE work for me?
Is this program just for women?
How much will I earn after this program?
Do you offer refunds?
Since this is a LIVE group implementation program, I cannot offer refunds. If you’re not quite sure whether this program is right for you just click here to schedule a free exploratory call with me. I’m happy to answer any questions!
What if I have more questions?
Ready for MORE?
More Impact. More Clients. More Money.