? Mastering your messaging alone doesn’t guarantee you’ll have a huge waiting list of clients and an overflowing bank account. Even if there are testimonials showing that 10 other people 10x’d their income by working with a messaging guru.
?Mastering your branding alone doesn’t guarantee you’ll have a huge waiting list of clients and an overflowing bank account. Even if there are testimonials showing that 10 other people 10x’d their income by working with a branding guru.
?Mastering your website alone doesn’t guarantee you’ll have a huge waiting list of clients and an overflowing bank account. Even if there are testimonials showing that 10 other people 10x’d their income by working with a website guru.
?Mastering your ‘sales conversations alone doesn’t guarantee you’ll have a huge waiting list of clients and an overflowing bank account. Even if there are testimonials showing that 10 other people 10x’d their income by working with a sales guru.
?Mastering your content marketing alone doesn’t guarantee you’ll have a huge waiting list of clients and an overflowing bank account. Even if there are testimonials showing that 10 other people 10x’d their income by working with a marketing guru.
Those are ALL just pieces of the puzzle. You have to put the right pieces, in the right place, at the right time.
People will buy from you IF
they TRUST your product will give them a solution
they THINK they want.
That’s a loaded statement. If you break it up, it actually works out to multiple steps. Miss out on any ONE of these, and well… people won’t buy from you. You won’t have that eager queue of clients.
1. They have to want ‘something’ – to solution to problem
3. They have to be willing to pay to get that magical ‘something’
4. They have to find you
5. They have to get to know & trust you
6. They have to believe your service/product will help them achieve the solution they want
7. They have to believe the value your service/product delivers – is more than the price you’re charging.
8. They have to actually pull out their wallet and pay you.
And oh, #9 – They have to like your service/product and not demand a refund!
The branding, the messaging, the website, the marketing… they are all just the TOOLs to take a potential client through from #1 to #8.
Have you really taken the time out to make sure your product / your service / your marketing / your messaging / your conversations address what your target market really wants?
That’s where the magic happens.
I find so many clients coming to me to polish up their messaging, their marketing and what not – but the real magic happens when you take the time to understand your target market better than they know themselves……..when you can get inside their head… that’s when your message, your marketing will all flow.
Are you ready to fast track your business?
Work smarter, not harder! 😉 Book in a free call to explore how best I can help you!