What do you think it really takes to succeed in business?

The mindset peeps say it’s all about mindset. With the right mindset you can achieve anything.

The strategy peeps say it’s all about strategy. Learn the right strategy (aka their method) and your business will soar.

The “Implementation” peeps – those who teach about content / batching / systems / copy / websites – say it’s all about the copy / content / systems / websites. Get those right… and you’ll be making 6 figures.

The energy workers say clear your chakras, your blocks, open your pathways to money and success…and you’re all set.

But what do YOU think it really takes to succeed in business?

I think it takes all 4.
AND energy.

In equal proportion.
They are intertwined.
Each supports the other.
One without the other is incomplete.

I’m probably the rare unicorn who’ll tell you that you need all four. (And support you through all four!)

And I believe it’s important to know that.
That there are 4 different aspects to it.
So that you can judge where you stand on each of these
And get the right kind of support when you need.

So that you don’t keep signing up for copywriting & branding classes when you’re not clear about your niche and your strategy

So that you don’t keep signing up only for energy healing or mindset working without figuring out the right strategy for your biz

So that you don’t keep signing up for strategy sessions and planning webinars without implementing any of that stuff.

Like, I said, one without the other is useless.
I think these are the 4 core pillars.
Or four core batteries.
That could hold up to 100% charge.

See which one you’re lagging on the most – and work on that first.
Then move to the next.
And the next.

Till they’re all at 100%.

What do you think?
Agree or disagree? Share in the comments below.

Oh, and I’m going to be diving into each of these AND help you map out a blueprint to create consistent 5-figure months in your business on this week’s live workshop. Click here to sign up. Oh, and it’s totally free!

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