When we got together for a “Business Blueprint” session, she was struggling with how to combine her disparate skills into cohesive programs and packages for her clients. Her professional experience in finance as an accountant was quite the opposite of her personal experience as an intuitive, healer. How do you tie in $$$ with chakras? She wanted to move away from pure numbers to helping her clients more holistically.
In the “Business Blueprint” session I helped her see how we could bring these two opposites of the spectrum together and what kind of programs and services she could offer her clients – that were in tune with the path she was gravitating to spiritually.
Here’s what she wrote in her feedback after our session:
Why did you sign up for this package?
[Tamsin] To get clarity on what offers to make.
How did it feel when we ran the numbers on the ecourse you were initially planning? [Tamsin] I was ok with the numbers – I was happy to work that out – it was content and what to include in the different packages that I was interested in.
How did you feel when we started discussing your current packages?
[Tamsin] Embarrassed!! I felt I was all over the place with what I was offering. There was no consistency/continuity/structure. Too much randomness. No cohesiveness!
How did you feel once we started building up new packages for you – especially the two heads for the deep dive intensives / intro sessions?
[Tamsin] The lightbulb came on as to how I could support woman in both business and personally to manage their money and achieve what they needed – coming from 2 different angles. I felt there was more cohesiveness and structure. More purpose to it all.
How did it feel to see that you could stack your intro, 3 month and 6 month under just 2 main heads – and consolidate your marketing efforts?
[Tamsin] I loved the simplicity and ease with which it all fitted into place. It made everything else seem so much less overwhelming!
How did you feel after we mapped out the 1:1s , higher than your current rates, but then saw how many 1:1 you’d have to do to make 100K?
[Tamsin] I was familiar with this and knew what would be needed here. I had the theory, it was good to be able to put it into something practical.
How did you feel when I showed you how you could stack the group program and leverage it with 3 tiers?
[Tamsin] I loved this – instead of having MORE packages (different options), it was going deeper and offering more of the same. So much easier to manage than a billion different services. I wanted to keep everything simple this year – and this provides that!
Do you feel that kind of plan and structure we created was do-able? Practical?
[Tamsin] Totally do-able and very practical – just what I love!
What did you like best about working with me?
[Tamsin] We got on with what needed to be done – no time wasting. Good review of the session provided by you, along with a recording. Highlights of where the important parts of the call were – total time-saver!
Would you recommend me and my services? If so, why and to whom?
[Tamsin] Absolutely! To anyone who wants to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently with someone supporting them all the way!
Is there anything you would have liked to see done differently? If so, what?
[Tamsin] Not that I can think of!
What’s the most important thing people should know about working with me?
[Tamsin] You don’t beat around the bush! You get on with what needs to be done. You’re efficient and get to the crux of the matter.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
[Tamsin] You rock 😉
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