by Richa | Being Woman, Business Strategy
Sometimes I wonder whether I’m in the right place, doing the right thing. You know, with my “career”, with my business, with my life. [ Yep, we all do that! Don’t tell me you don’t !! ? ] Sometimes when I geek out on stuff about Science...
by Richa | Being Woman, Business Strategy
[The Epic 2018 to 2019 post! ] Oooh, school FINALLY starts today!! It feels so goooood to get back to my routine! Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the holidays and time off with my son. But I’m a Virgo. I like structure. I like knowing how my day...
by Richa | Being Woman, Mindset, Mom Speak
#inclusivebusiness #breakingTheMold It’s time we broke the mold. It’s time we stopped pretending like business and “life” aren’t intertwined. Or that they can be separated at all. Yes, perhaps for a few hours. Yes, you can prioritize biz...
by Richa | Being Woman, Mindset
It’s ok to want more. It really is. The Universe told me so 😉 Over the last few weeks we’ve been having this conversation about 100K. And so many women shy away from that number. “Oh, I don’t want that much. I don’t need that much”...
by Richa | Being Woman, Mindset
When I started my business, I really didn’t realize what I was getting into. Oh, I’d been planning/wanting to do it for close to a decade.I’d gone to the best Business School in India. I knew how to write an elevator pitch, a business plan and even...
by Richa | Being Woman, Mindset
1. Count the number of times you say “Sorry” in a day. Especially in business related discussions. 2. Stop saying Sorry so much. Stop apologizing all the time. “Sorry” and “Apologies” have a time and place. And that place is not...
by Richa | About Me, Being Woman, Business Execution, Business Strategy
Highlights I think the BEST part of my year has been 3 fold + travelling with my son + relating to him like never before. He’s growing into such a wonderful young man. No longer a little boy. + helping over 50 women start and grow their business. Deep, heart...
by Richa | About Websites, Being Woman, Business Execution, Mindset
Look, I get it. As a woman in business, there are a hundred, if not a thousand things on your TODO list. And a zillion other ideas rattling around in your brain for attention Kids, or perhaps grandkids, bouncing about the house Clamoring for dinner, or rather snacks...
by Richa | Being Woman, Money
Today I did something, well, a bit crazy. I went on a rant. In an FB Live. About something that’s VERY close to my heart. Women & Money. I figured out a long long time ago, that money is really about power. And that way back when, ‘keeping’ women...
by Richa | Being Woman, Business Execution, Business Strategy, Mindset
I am an Entrepreneur. I am Business Coach. I help other women on their Entrepreneurial journey. And yet, I’m saying this up front – not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur. No matter how many articles on the web glorify being your own boss, traveling the world...